Finding Balance: Navigating Shift Work and Career Choices in Healthcare

The results are in: last week I posted a poll to see what you guys are up to in 2025. 

25% of you are going back to school, 62% of you are already working somewhere in healthcare, 13% of you graduate this year. 

71% of you LOVE your job and 29% of you need a change. 

59% of you are working overtime and 41% of you are saying no to OT.

40% of you prefer woking dayshift, 12% of you are working nightshift and 48% of you are working both. 

As a healthcare worker, life can feel like a whirlwind. Juggling shift work to finding the right job, maintaining a work-life balance and even considering furthering your education, the challenges seem endless. 

If you are apart of that 25%, what are you going back to school for?

62% of you are already working, where do you work now in health care?

What program are the 13% of you graduating from?

If you are apart of the 71% who love their job, where do you work? What about the 29% who are looking for something new, what would be your dream job?

Dayshift VS Nightshift - which is better for you and why!?

Follow along our social media @luxscrubs_ for our next poll and blog post for a recap!


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Serena Orok, Founder Lux Scrubs